Sunday, December 19, 2010


Happy Holidays!
Joyeux Noël
Feliz Natal
God jul
聖誕節快樂 / 圣诞节快乐
Frohe Weihnachten

To all my friends and fellow artists

...from The Frank Serrano Studio

above: "Winters Arrival" 6"x8"
Available through ebay


AnnG said...

I love the use of grays in this painting! Well done.

F. Serrano said...

Thank You!

Joan Breckwoldt said...

Well, that's depressing! I painted this same scene (well, it looks about the same, in Texas) and YOURS looks so much better!
Your work is beautiful, especially like your most recent plein air in Burbank, love the abstract quality.

Unknown said...

I like this and i like all your works.Hugs from Italy.